N.R.S. Medical College celebrated it's 50th year along with the 50th year of Indian Independence, however, it's story starts long before 1947. Here is a chronological sequence of events in the life of this institution. |
1873 |
Birth of Sealdah Municipal Hospital |
1874 |
Renamed as Campbell Medical College |
1848 |
Campbell Medical College and Hospital. Some people still remember NRS by this name |
10th August 1950 |
Formation of N.R.S. Medical College & Hospital. N.R.S. has been evolving steadily since then. |
1912 |
L.L.T. Anatomy Department gets a separate Building. [-1914]the morgue was built. |
1913 |
S.L.T. |
1915 - 1917 |
[-1916] Fraser Ward and Baker Ward made. O.P.D. set up. |
1922 - 1923 |
AB Ward |
1961 extended 1972 |
1973 - 1974 |
Chest OPD [separate] |
1974 |
U N B Building. |
1978 1991 |
Centenary building. |